A question for ya: I’m curious if this post reminds you of anything in your life. Is there a similar moment or surprise that you’ve witnessed or experienced?

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As an aunt who lives on the opposite side of the country from her entire family, this definitely resonated. Especially with younger nieces and nephews, there can be a fear that even with the technology, the relationships will suffer. It sometimes feels like I'm watching them grow up in a timelapse video. In January, I drove back from Southern California to Long Island, NY with my dog, Gracie Blue, and I got to spend a week at my brother's house with his three kids. My nephew, the youngest, was so excited to spend time with me and show me his flag book and the Minecraft and planet videos he watches on YouTube. It healed a part of my soul.

There was also an incredible experience last July, where I surprised my oldest niece for her 21st birthday. I had actually talked to her the night before (her actual birthday) while she was out to dinner with my parents and my sister (her mom), and she asked if I could just buy a plane ticket and fly out. I answered that no, I could not just buy a plane ticket, to artfully avoid lying. The next day, she was going to vineyards with my mom, my sister, and my sister's best friend. I had my mom take photos of when my niece came out to greet my mom and I came out from behind the car. She started bawling and we hugged for so long and it just felt so nice to be so loved and to know that I was giving so much love, too.

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Oh Kelly, thank you for sharing these beautiful moments! You definitely get it. And I love that you have a Gracie (Blue) too.

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I watched the video you posted a few times, each time getting that tiny lump in my throat and tears in my eyes at witnessing something so pure and special... even though it’s between two complete strangers to me... it reminded me of a few moments I’ve experienced and/or witnessed myself, but a very recent one stands out. I just had a large family celebration at my

home for my youngest daughter graduating high school, my oldest daughter moving to Texas, and for my mom and her twin sister’s 70th birthday (a birthday which they share with their mother, who is now gone). All of these events took place in the same week, and so it was fitting to have one large celebration. All of my California family came, most from Northern California and they came in on a Friday evening and got situated at their hotel then came over for dinner. We were getting ready to eat and I had walked into my room for something and my aunt followed me. She said something and I couldn’t quite make it out and then I heard the front door and walked out of my room into the hall with my aunt right behind me to find my cousin, Matt, walking towards me. I immediately started to cry, as Matt and his family live in Oregon and don’t get to come to many celebrations. This one in particular meant so much! After giving him a huge hug and wiping my tears I walked with him into the kitchen to find his wife and two teenage daughters. I all but fell over with surprise and excitement and started balling. I looked up to see my girls and Matt and Elise’s daughters crying too. It was so special for so many reasons, but one huge one for me is that our family doesn’t always get the chance to get together for the happy celebrations. We’ve had a tremendous amount of death in our family in recent years, and it’s left our traveling to be together to happen mostly in times of grief. But this was a tremendous time of celebration and I think we were all so happy to get to be together for that and to be reminded of how much love we have for one another and need each other. I am so grateful for these people in my life and in my children’s lives, family, who we can see once a year or every couple weeks and either way, the connection stays the same, the love is always there, and we always pick right back up where we left off last time we saw one another..

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I’m so glad Matt and his gang surprised you. Sounds like a very special gathering.

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Really loved seeing these beautiful moments for you and your fam :)

I was reminded of one of my own recently when I saw a photo in my memories on my phone of a little maroon Toyota with a gold bow on it. I'd had a car accident earlier in 2014 where I got t-boned by a crazy cab driver in the middle of the city and some really unfair decisions were made that left me without a car and having to fork out a shit tonne of money.

I flew up to Brissie just before Christmas that year and my brother Jarryd picked me up from the airport. When we arrived back at their place Maria (my sister in law) was there ready to give me a hug and then as we were walking through the carpark they were like, "Oh by the way happy early Christmas Marlz" and pointed to a little maroon Toyota with a gold bow on it, pressing a set of keys into my hands. I have never been so shocked and overwhelmed in my life! I'd had such a shitty year and the car stuff had caused so much stress and public transport was wearing me down so this was just the most thoughtful and insane surprise ever. I burst into tears and was just so so shocked. It was amazing and made me feel so cared for and loved. They contributed the biggest part, but then they told me that my parents had chipped in as well along with about 12 of my mates who had all put money in as well. Insane.

Jarryd and Maria jumped in for a ride after New Years and we road tripped it all the way back down the East Coast of Aus back to Sydney. As per usual when it's the three of us we had some old school gangster rap going and Jarryd named the car Natedogg :) He was a second-hand older car, but I don't think I've ever been as grateful for a gift as I was for that one :)

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Such a great story! That’s an incredible gift and the surprise makes it even better. So cool. Thanks for sharing Marlei.

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It reminded me of a time that I had a flight booked to see a concert with someone who no longer wanted to go together. I took the opportunity instead to surprise my mom around Valentine’s Day. I had my mom, sister and some family/friends meet me at a restaurant but my mom had no idea why my sister was taking her there. When she walked in the door and down the ramp to the hostess stand she walked right past me. She paused realizing she thought she had just seen her son and turned around and I could see such a surprise and loving look emulating from her. It was my first time surprising her for a visit and also my first time seeing her from returning from an extended trip in Asia. I loved seeing this post and remembering the good parts of life being loved ones and surprises. Especially as we get older and technology makes it less and less common.

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Such a great story. I love that you did that. I also love that you took a bummer situation and turned it into something beautiful. Thanks for sharing Steven.

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If life’s about making memories - let’s make some good ones. This is one of those. B x 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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“There is still time to be surprised. “

This post has to be one of my favorites. Witnessing someone you love so deep in emotion and joy is one of the greatest things in life.

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