Needed to hear this today, stop putting off those scary appointments. Glad everything went well friend! :)

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Thanks my friend. Hopefully the scary appointments become a little bit less scary when we realize we can talk about them. And when we remember that skipping those appointments is actually a lot scarier.

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The ‘4 on the enneagram’ part made me smile :)

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Always gotta factor that in. 😉

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I’m glad everything went well and rather uneventful for your first colonoscopy, minus the discovery of the Magnolia Network.

I keep asking my doctors when I should be scheduling mine, isn’t it something that I should already have on the books, why are they not bringing it up. They say all my other markers are fine, nothing in immediate family history to be alarmed about, and I can do it in a few years. Then they ask if I have any other questions.

My only question is... “are you sure?!?”

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I gotta believe you’re in good hands with them. And they’re in good company with you. And I’ll see you at HEART CAMP BIG SUR. ❤️⛺️🌲

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Sign me uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!!! 💙⛺️

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I have been waiting to respond to this, because, I too, had to have a colonoscopy this week. I have been very blessed with well-being in general, but I felt the current pushing me to do this for preventive measures. I’m so glad I did. Most of what you said about the transition phases resonated with me. As did the mixed complexity of feelings one has in isolation before a surgery or procedure. Thank God for the people who share their time with us. My mom is a gem and spent most of the day ferrying me around to get coffee and peanut butter, my two major requests. Thanks for sharing your stories so openly, Jamie.

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I relate to so much of this, right down to the coffee and peanut butter. Big fan of both. Thanks for being here and thanks for sharing.

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I’m almost pro at colonoscopies after 9 years of crohn’s disease, but they never get easier. I normally cry when I wake up in recovery, last time was I think my 12th scope and I didn’t - for the first time. There’s just some relief its over.

They’re hard on your body, you’re hungry, sore and tired - be kind on yourself and try not to eat everything in the cupboard when you get home! The prep can carry on sometimes.

Glad to hear you got the all clear.

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I’m sorry you’ve had to go thru it so many times, but glad to hear this most recent one was maybe a little bit easier. Thanks for your kind words. I’m doing a-okay now. 😊

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As a nurse, the moments of connection that have impacted me the most are the ones that are awkward, embarrassing and vulnerable. It is where I remind patients it is okay, hold their hand and let them know they are not alone. Thank you for sharing and continuously reminding us of that as well. Also, we are thankful for Moms and gems like Cabin Chronicles to make things better.

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So good. Thanks for sharing Erin. And thanks for the beautiful important work you do. You help so many people through their hardest moments. That is no small thing.

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Thank you for sharing this with us. I'm glad that the procedure went well and I am sorry for the loss of your friend. I love how close you are with your mom. At 49, my mom still does so much for me. This is the one procedure that I have not been able to do. Thank you for reminding us how important it is to checked and for inspiring us to be brave. Now, I have to watch Magnolia. I would love to be in a cabin in the woods.

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Thanks for these kind words.

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Your blessed the scary part is over and have great results... God and your friend I believe were def watching over you in the process.. I do not like doctors or even hospitals; I sit in a chair for 4 hrs at a time 3xs weekly and I'm scared shitless to be alone when a dull transplant comes bc not even family will be there at my hospital bed. It's a sad truth though I stay strong for my son and keep going. The scares sometimes can just be my thoughts and fears I've learned and all the wake up procedures I dont like either.. Thanks for being here!

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Thanks for sharing Jennifer. Your son needs his mama. You deserve connection and support along the way. I’m rooting for you.

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Thank you

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Your story touched me. Thank you for sharing. Sending you well wishes.

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I’m 53, and put mine off during the pandemic plus. I had my first a month ago. Results good, thankfully.

I felt a lot of anxiety. That’s an area I don’t share with strangers. So, I called a few times prior to cancel and was diverted my third attempt by a very nice person who said that early detection can help from becoming a “frequent flyer” like they are. So I went. I’m glad I did. I’m glad you did, Jamie. Everyone, go if you’re supposed to.

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I’m glad you went Aimee. And glad for your results. Thanks for sharing here, as that makes it easier for the next person to go.

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I'm new to Substack, so I'm just finding this post now. But it has come at a good time. I'm 34 and actually just got my first colonoscopy at the end of August because I was having some symptoms. I anticipated coming out of it with one of two possibilities: 1. All clear, or 2. They found some polyps and removed them. Instead they found a 2 cm tumor in my colon and the last couple months have been filled with tests to figure out what exactly is going on and what treatment might be necessary. Next up is two MRIs in the next couple of weeks. I'm hoping that those will finally put an end the nagging question of whether or not this is something more scary. I really appreciate you encouraging everyone to not to wait to get procedures done and I can echo that sentiment. Despite the discomfort and the anxiety I'm now going through, I'm glad that I didn't wait. Despite the unknowns I'm still facing, I'm grateful for the information I do have. I'm so so sorry for the loss of your friend Rob. I'm glad you came out of your colonoscopy with a clean bill of health. And thank you again for making the space for conversations like these. I hope everyone can walk away feeling more empowered to take action knowing they're not alone in their worries.

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Hi Hannah. Thanks for being here and thank you for sharing. I’m so sorry for what you’re walking through. I hope you are surrounded by a lot of love and support as you move forward.

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Thank you for this one... I have my next colonoscopy in early July, and though I am no stranger to this particular test, I still feel the uncertainty and fear that comes at the end as you wake up still drowsy from the meds... now knowing all too well what the prep is like makes it a bit more of a dread, but in the end, finding out what could be wrong always seems better to me than the unknown, because once found there is hope in treating it... the unknown has always left me feeling far more vulnerable than the found ever has... just my personal experience.. thank you for writing about your experience and allowing others the opportunity to feel seen in theirs, as well.

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Thank You for sharing. I really hope your upcoming appointment goes well. I’m sorry for the fear that comes in advance. You’re certainly far from alone in that.

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This was the exact convo I had with a friend maybe one day before you posted this - about needing to put aside my fears and make appointments for my mammogram and colonoscopy - both of which I’ve never done and I am almost 46 years old. I’m overdue. I know!

Thank you for always sharing what is going on in your active brain and reminding us that being human encompasses all different emotions, sometimes all in the same moment.

I’m glad your appointment went well and all is good!

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You’re so welcome. Thanks for these kind words. I wish you the best as you make those appointments. May you receive good news too.

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I'm glad that the results were the best kind! I'm reading this on a day when I'm extremely anxious about a telephone call with my doctor. I've had a lot of health things happen lately and I worry in case my doctor tries to be dismissive of what another doctor thought I needed to be referred to a specialist team for. And I'm guilty of past trauma memories stopping me from going for the uncomfortable kind of checks, but this post has made me think that I should stop letting the fear take control and that I should find a way to be brave and do the things I've been avoiding, and be ready to listen but also ready to stand up for myself if I need to on Tuesday with the telephone appointment with my doctor.

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I’m sorry you’re dealing with all of this Sebastian. I’m glad the post could be some small encouragement. That means a lot to me. I hope you get good news and I hope things get easier in the days ahead.

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"Another person has stood in the scary place, and so it is less haunted." Love this.

Also I had to look up what the Magnolia Network was but turns out I already follow their Instagram account and was already a fan without even knowing it ha.

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I’m glad you dig that line. Also maybe we’re all Magnolia fans and it’s just a matter of realizing it. 😉

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I’m so glad everything went well, and I’m sorry to hear you had to deal with the fear and worry that come with procedures such as this! This particular message speaks to me on so many levels. Last year was a scary time for my immediate family. Two of my family members were diagnosed within months of each other with cancer, and I ended up having to get screened for cancer/cancer genes. I’ve given blood a million times, but that particular time was so heavy, and it almost felt like the earth stood still as I waited to hear back about my results. I thankfully am cancer free and don’t carry the cancer gene that, unfortunately, two of my family members have. I felt guilty and sad and thankful and relieved all at once that I was okay. I strongly believe in what you said about not waiting to see a doctor if you think something could be wrong because our bodies on the outside can look perfectly normal, but you never know what’s going on inside.

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Thanks for sharing Breanna. It seems nearly all of us will get to a place of relating eventually. I’m really sorry to hear about the two people in your family dealing with cancer.

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As a stubborn person who tends to only use the medical profession when I’m out of options this felt like it was speaking to me. I’ve been putting off a few exams for skin and regular check ups because sometimes the unknown feels safer than the known. Thanks for the vulnerability and encouragement.

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You’re so welcome! And your response means a lot. That’s the heart of the matter. When we talk about this stuff, hopefully the conversation becomes easier. I hope you schedule those appointments. We need you around for many years to come! 😊

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