Love this. I am such a behind-the-scenes reader-person and always feel connected when someone shares what’s meaningful to THEM because makes me reflect on what’s meaningful to ME. I was immediately like, “oh, what songs really have impacted me in this way for a long time? That WOULD be fun to write about."

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No surprise, but I relate to so much of this - Wanting to find my person and make a home, a home with a family. Ironic of how badly I want to make a home while looking ahead at the next year of my life and there will be two new “homes” that are sure to feel only as a “house” as i continue to look for the people and places that are truly “home.” But as you’ve also said, there is still some time to be surprised.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Jamie Tworkowski

You're voice is SO CLEAR in this (finally reading this after seeing your Instagram story), and it's wonderful to know you're finding your voice again. It's a great feeling, I'm sure!

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Jamie Tworkowski

Your stories just keep getting better. I think in and remember experiences in songs and so I enjoy the added playlist and your connection to each song. I can relate to having given back a diamond ring and the constant quest for finding my home. We are all searching for home. Stay present. With the title of your writing, you are surely on your way and always have been.

Additional Home songs:

Lead Us Home - by Daena Jay

We're All Going Home- by The Wanderer

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Jamie Tworkowski

Beautiful artist and song! “Living with Ghosts” has always been a mantra song for me.

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Jamie Tworkowski

I finally could get the paid subscription and comment here!

Thank you Jamie as always for sharing your voice and stories with us. I love so much that you are writing again. You know some of my story, and I've always struggled to feel like I "fit" or "belonged" but recently it's starting to become clear where those places are to me and its beside family, and friends and in understanding more about myself I'm able to start accepting what I have rather than thinking on what I've lost or wish I had. It's a calmer feeling to just sit and appreciate this moment, and that takes a lot of practice too but I definitely felt that calmness as I read this. So glad you decided to start this blog (is it called a blog? Sorry if I got the name wrong). So grateful for you always Jamie! Thank you for being you!

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Jamie Tworkowski

Oh man, this whole idea of home is so interesting. I've been thinking about it so so much lately and your writing as always Jamie is so beautifully thought-provoking - both challenging and comforting. I've said it before but I'll say it here too, SO glad you're here (in general but also here on this platform).

I love the closing thought and it's so interesting because I literally just had a conversation with my brother that I instantly connected with this line - "every person pushed aside, hoping for a seat at the table, for food and water, shelter and a warm bed, kindness and connection, being seen and known." Long story short, he met an old guy called Henry at the shopping centre a couple months back who looked lost and Jarryd asked him if he was ok and he said he was trying to catch the bus home but couldn't remember where to go. He gave him a lift home and after talking to him for a little bit he found out he has Parkinsons and he's literally all alone in the world. J has been taking him to his appointments and getting him groceries and Henry wanted to do something in return so he took him to a bakery and bought them each a sausage roll and an orange juice. 😭 He's in hospital at the moment and J went and visited him just yesterday and he's now literally Henry's emergency contact. I guess I'm sharing this because it really moved me and I think it's a wonderful example of how we can play a part in making someone feeling seen and valued and known which can add to or even completely feel like that feeling of home.

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I've often wondered about the meaning of "home" the past couple of years, as my physical home and the shape of my family has changed. For as long as I can remember when I am anxious, exhausted, or upset, the thought that comes into my mind is, "I just want to go home." It feels like a primal longing, and while there are times it means I just want to lie down on my couch with a blanket, I think it usually points to a need or desire to be understood and accepted and/or at peace. Thank you, Jamie, for adding to my ponderings on "home."

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Thanks for being here! And for your kind words. “Blog” is okay though I think it’s technically a “newsletter.” But to me it’s just writing. 😊

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