Powerful. And as the first sentence says... hypothetical, but also I hope a conversation that has really happened around the US too. I usually wish my US friends a Happy 4th of July but with all if the anti LGBTQ+ legislation and campaigning there has been in some states it just felt wrong as a trans person to wish a happy holiday to people whose country wants to make it illegal for people like me to exist.
Also, is that the photograph that was used for the cover of If You Feel Too Much? That book lives on my nightstand.
I can promise you the whole country isn’t against you. There is definitely a problematic vocal minority of people seeking power and control, but they don’t speak for all of us. Lots of compassionate people here as well, and we will keep fighting (and voting) for equality.
As for the photo, it’s not the one from the book cover, but it’s definitely close.
I’ve been reading a book lately called “Running while black”. Libraries still exist and it was out on display and I love running so I picked it up. It turned my world upside down and when my wife said to me “ I thought the 4th was your favorite holiday” I replied “ Maybe not as much anymore”. Don’t mix that up with regretting where I live. But it is hard to celebrate when others aren’t. This isn’t a game where you love seeing rivals lose and you can cheer. This is about lives and living in places where if you pay enough attention the chances aren’t the same. It’s hard to admit that when you are someone who didn’t have the obstacles. You want to believe it was work, endurance, earned etc. And in some ways it was. But it also was easier because you had a lot of open doors open that others have closed. You didn’t notice because you were already through the door and you hadn’t looked back. This post couldn’t have been easy to write but I applaud you for asking the questions. We don’t always agree and yeah sometimes it’s easier to lay low and not think. But I appreciate you keep asking. It’s ok to be happy for the freedom today if you feel you have it while still striving hard to make sure others join you. Thanks Jamie for writing!
Thanks Steven. That sounds like a powerful book and I appreciate you bringing it up. Thanks for your kind words as always. Thanks for giving a voice to nuance as well.
Thank you for this comment. I struggle with explaining this to my siblings (we're white, were raised Christian, and even though we were raised to think we were poor, we were probably upper middle class). Two of my siblings don't believe in white privilege and actually get defensive if the term comes up. And I can't help but think of how many times my sister might have been arrested or maybe killed if she wasn't white. My parents (mostly my dad) are conservative and being raised in a household that reinforced racist and homophobic ideas without promoting racism and homophobia was confusing at best. If I'm being completely honest, I think I, myself, have overlooked my own privilege. I didn't graduate college, but I'm grateful that I was living in a dorm for the four years when my mental illness was most severe. All because my parents were able to save money to pay for four kids to go to college. We were raised to think we were poor, maybe because my parents wanted us to understand the value of money, but it meant we took for granted things like ski trips, boat trips, and winter vacations every year. I have worked really hard to get to where I am in life, but I can't say that my demographics didn't play a part. All that to say, I think this is a really good reminder that we can celebrate and appreciate where we are, as long as we're also acknowledging that others don't have the same opportunities and have to work that much harder.
Thanks for sharing Kelly. All makes sense. It’s great that you doing your best to wrestle with these things. The questions are tough but they’re important.
This was so powerful and I hope many, many types of people get a chance to read it! This is exactly what needs to be talked about. I've been wrestling all day with enjoying the holiday festivities, like watching fireworks with family. But then I'm so heartbroken and angry over the discrimination, injustice, and suffering going on in this country. All I want is true liberty and justice for ALL people in this country.
All. Of. This. I'm super late to this party because, well, my summer work is all consuming. However, this gift of discomforting people by telling truths is so weird... and so important.
I just started listening to Katilin B Curtice's new book - Living Resistance and the way she talks about stories and storytelling reminds me of you, friend. It also echoes some incredible things I've been learning from elders of the Nanticoke people (the local native tribe) as we've been working together... and how I want to tell the stories and share the learnings of of our work but find myself hesitant because some folks might be made uncomfortable. (sigh)
Can we call people into this work in ways that don't make them feel called out?? Is their response our responsibility? Can we speak these kinds of truths in love?? Oh what a journey. I'm grateful it sounds like you're on a similar path.
Hi Teri! So good to hear from you. Thanks for being here and thanks for sharing. You are asking such important questions. I don't have those answers but I think it's so cool you're willing to go there, willing to show up and learn and do the work. I definitely think you're on to something in hoping to offer umcomfortable truths in a way that moves people and leads to change. Bravo my friend.
Powerful. And as the first sentence says... hypothetical, but also I hope a conversation that has really happened around the US too. I usually wish my US friends a Happy 4th of July but with all if the anti LGBTQ+ legislation and campaigning there has been in some states it just felt wrong as a trans person to wish a happy holiday to people whose country wants to make it illegal for people like me to exist.
Also, is that the photograph that was used for the cover of If You Feel Too Much? That book lives on my nightstand.
I can promise you the whole country isn’t against you. There is definitely a problematic vocal minority of people seeking power and control, but they don’t speak for all of us. Lots of compassionate people here as well, and we will keep fighting (and voting) for equality.
As for the photo, it’s not the one from the book cover, but it’s definitely close.
I’ve been reading a book lately called “Running while black”. Libraries still exist and it was out on display and I love running so I picked it up. It turned my world upside down and when my wife said to me “ I thought the 4th was your favorite holiday” I replied “ Maybe not as much anymore”. Don’t mix that up with regretting where I live. But it is hard to celebrate when others aren’t. This isn’t a game where you love seeing rivals lose and you can cheer. This is about lives and living in places where if you pay enough attention the chances aren’t the same. It’s hard to admit that when you are someone who didn’t have the obstacles. You want to believe it was work, endurance, earned etc. And in some ways it was. But it also was easier because you had a lot of open doors open that others have closed. You didn’t notice because you were already through the door and you hadn’t looked back. This post couldn’t have been easy to write but I applaud you for asking the questions. We don’t always agree and yeah sometimes it’s easier to lay low and not think. But I appreciate you keep asking. It’s ok to be happy for the freedom today if you feel you have it while still striving hard to make sure others join you. Thanks Jamie for writing!
Thanks Steven. That sounds like a powerful book and I appreciate you bringing it up. Thanks for your kind words as always. Thanks for giving a voice to nuance as well.
Thank you for this comment. I struggle with explaining this to my siblings (we're white, were raised Christian, and even though we were raised to think we were poor, we were probably upper middle class). Two of my siblings don't believe in white privilege and actually get defensive if the term comes up. And I can't help but think of how many times my sister might have been arrested or maybe killed if she wasn't white. My parents (mostly my dad) are conservative and being raised in a household that reinforced racist and homophobic ideas without promoting racism and homophobia was confusing at best. If I'm being completely honest, I think I, myself, have overlooked my own privilege. I didn't graduate college, but I'm grateful that I was living in a dorm for the four years when my mental illness was most severe. All because my parents were able to save money to pay for four kids to go to college. We were raised to think we were poor, maybe because my parents wanted us to understand the value of money, but it meant we took for granted things like ski trips, boat trips, and winter vacations every year. I have worked really hard to get to where I am in life, but I can't say that my demographics didn't play a part. All that to say, I think this is a really good reminder that we can celebrate and appreciate where we are, as long as we're also acknowledging that others don't have the same opportunities and have to work that much harder.
Thanks for sharing Kelly. All makes sense. It’s great that you doing your best to wrestle with these things. The questions are tough but they’re important.
This was so powerful and I hope many, many types of people get a chance to read it! This is exactly what needs to be talked about. I've been wrestling all day with enjoying the holiday festivities, like watching fireworks with family. But then I'm so heartbroken and angry over the discrimination, injustice, and suffering going on in this country. All I want is true liberty and justice for ALL people in this country.
Thanks Breanna. I appreciate you sharing and I’m glad you’re here.
All. Of. This. I'm super late to this party because, well, my summer work is all consuming. However, this gift of discomforting people by telling truths is so weird... and so important.
I just started listening to Katilin B Curtice's new book - Living Resistance and the way she talks about stories and storytelling reminds me of you, friend. It also echoes some incredible things I've been learning from elders of the Nanticoke people (the local native tribe) as we've been working together... and how I want to tell the stories and share the learnings of of our work but find myself hesitant because some folks might be made uncomfortable. (sigh)
Can we call people into this work in ways that don't make them feel called out?? Is their response our responsibility? Can we speak these kinds of truths in love?? Oh what a journey. I'm grateful it sounds like you're on a similar path.
Hi Teri! So good to hear from you. Thanks for being here and thanks for sharing. You are asking such important questions. I don't have those answers but I think it's so cool you're willing to go there, willing to show up and learn and do the work. I definitely think you're on to something in hoping to offer umcomfortable truths in a way that moves people and leads to change. Bravo my friend.
Oh, hey... it's a full moon tonight - the Super Blue Barley Moon! Check it out.
Haha. I just saw it actually! Took Gracie for a walk.