Station Eleven Rewatch: Episode Seven
"This strange and awful time was the happiest of my life."
The final Zoom discussion, originally planned for tonight, has been rescheduled for this Sunday, December 22. We’ll be talking through episodes 6-10, which means you can expect one new post each day until we meet. The Zoom (8-10pm ET) is open to all paid subscribers and it’s not too late to join the club. You also have the option of gifting a subscription. Each one of these truly helps. Thank You for supporting my work.
This post contains spoilers for the seventh episode of Station Eleven, but no spoilers for future episodes. You are invited to share your thoughts in the comments below, or in the chat. What surprised you about this episode? Which scene was your favorite? Were there other moments that stood out to you?
Episode Seven is not only one of my favorites of Station Eleven—it’s one of my favorite episodes of any series. We join Kirsten on a journey back in time to Frank’s apartment, and then we hardly see another setting. The ingredients are simple—just Young Kirsten, Jeevan, and Frank sharing space and talking, with Adult Kirsten observing certain scenes. We are given something rich and moving and dynamic, equal parts beautiful and heartbreaking.
Moments I Noticed
Frank: “Hey Jeev. You still scared of the dark?”
Jeevan: “Yeah.”
Jeevan’s fears and insecurities are at the heart of this episode. I like him so much and I relate to him a ton.
It’s windy and dark. The power is out. This is the first time we see the power out at Frank’s apartment.
Young Kirsten: “It’s like a spaceship.”
Jeevan: “We’re fucked.”
Frank: “It’s gonna get cold.”
J: “When spring comes, we’re gonna run out of food. Whoever’s left alive is gonna want to fight each other. We have to think about the future. We have to leave, because this… can’t last.”
“We’re adults. We pretend we’re not scared.” —Frank (Subtitle Nominee)
The next small-group conversation The Holidays Are Hard for Me is coming up on Friday, December 20. Because these celebration days tend to remind us what’s missing. So let’s talk about it. This one starts at 7pm ET.
Young Kirsten: “I’ll tell you when my parents call. Good night, Jeevan. Good night, Frank.”
Jeevan: “Well, parenting is easy… What’s gonna happen, really?”
Frank: “I don’t know. But I’m glad you’re here… How was King Lear?”
Young Kirsten: “Can I have that back? Station Eleven?”
Frank: “Sure. I just keep reading it. Should be doing my work. It’s good, though. I can relate.”
YK: “To which character?”
F: “All of them.”
A Thought