To the woman who has dreamed of being a mother but it hasn’t happened yet.
I’m sorry for the longing and the loneliness.
I’m sorry for the losses as you tried, the pain that is still present.
To the mother who has faced the nightmare of losing a child.
I’m sorry for your grief. I’m sorry for the questions that linger. I’m sorry for the weight of love uncertain where to land.
To the woman who had to release the dream of children, because of time or circumstance.
I’m sorry for the ache that still remains.
To the dog mom, the cat mom, the aunt, the honorary aunt.
No this isn’t silly. Your love is still a priceless thing. What a gift for whoever gets to receive it.
Your life isn’t less. You are not invisible. You deserve love and connection.
To the child young or old missing their mother today.
To the child and the relationship is complicated.
To the child who never got to meet her, or never got to know her.
To the mother who could say the same.
To those with trauma, those with questions, those who deserved and deserve better.
To those with guilt and shame and regret, those who would give anything to go back and do things differently.
We pause to say we see you today. To acknowledge your story, your wound, your scar.
If you choose not to post a photo today. If there is no photo to post. If you cannot find the words.
Your feelings are valid. You belong.
Today is marked by three words—Happy and Mother’s and Day.
For those who get all three, we celebrate with you today.
For those who get two, that's real and it’s okay. Life is more than just one thing.
If you cannot celebrate the first two words, if today is just a day, you’re not alone. We’re sorry and we’re also glad you’re here. Here with these words, here and still going, here with the breath that’s moving in your chest, here you have survived, here and maybe even hopeful.
And if you cannot say hopeful, then we will say it for you.
We are hopeful for your healing, for forgiveness, for restoration, for release.
We are hopeful for your life, this one that’s still unfolding. May something beautiful find you today, may some meaning make its way to you tomorrow. May you experience connection on Tuesday. May surprises arrive and may new dreams reveal themselves.
You deserve love. You deserve peace. You deserve to be known.
Today is yours as well. The last word alone can still also be a gift.
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Thank you for this. Mother’s Day is hard. This helped.
Jamie. Thank you for these thoughtful words. Made my heart scrunch up in my chest a bit, so much of it hit home. But I love how you always end with hope - the last two sentences really helped. Beautifully expressed as usual.